Action Research
Action research is systematic inquiry conducted by teacher who interested in the teaching and learning process for the purpose of gathering information on how they teach, and how students learn (Mertler, 2012). In my opinion, action research is focuses on through the practice to solve the problem.
Action research has four stages and nine steps:
1) Planning:
​ Identifying and limiting the Topic
Gathering Information
Reviewing the Related literature
Developing a Research Plan
2) Acting:
Collecting Data
Analyzing the Data
3) Developing:
Developing an Action Plan
4) Reflecting:
Sharing and Communicating the Results
Reflecting on the Process

Traditional Research
Traditional research focuses on advancing knowledge in a specific field.
Traditional research has four stages:
1. Developing research questions
2. Selecting the method
3 . Conducting data analysis
​4. Report the finding
Research methods

The summary of different between Action Research, Traditional Research, and three research methods.
For the educational research part, I carried out a research study on the Effects of Professional Training on Computer Game Performance. In this study, I successfully applied the concepts of mixed research methods. I reviewed existing literature by other scholars in textbooks and peer reviewed journals. I also sought opinions from a research population consisting computer games players. Finally, I applied statistical methods to analysis the findings from both primary and secondary data. To this end, I was convinced that I had effectively used the mixed research approaches in my study.
I also learnt on how to select the most effective research method for different reasons. For instance, each of the three approaches offers unique advantages that may not be available when using the other. As earlier mentioned, I used the mixed research method depends on the nature of the information I needed for my study. Finally, I combined the qualitative and quantitative research method to analyze the two sets of data. I was also able to come up with both null and positive hypotheses for my study before I embarked on the actual exercise.
Contrary to the dominant perceptions that one can easily be proficient in computer games without any professional training, findings from my study indicated that players who seek professional training are more proficient and tend to be experts in video games. In this case, I rejected the null hypothesis which stated that even without professional help; one can still attain proficiency in computer games.
Mertler, C. (2012). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (4th ed., pp.1-324). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.